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The Summit for Dual Credit Programs is hosted by South Texas College and the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). The two-day event attracts higher education institutions, school district personnel, and state/national entities who work dual credit, concurrent enrollment and early college programs in which high school students take college courses saving time, money and earning a college credential before their high school diploma in the process.

With dual credit at the forefront in higher education, South Texas College and NACEP proudly presents the 3rd Annual Summit for Dual Credit Programs. Breakout sessions and presentations will focus on the many triumphs and challenges facing dual credit programs, students and educators today. The Summit for Dual Credit Programs will provide attendees with valuable information and key takeaways regarding dual credit and college readiness.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Hope to see you at the summit.

With sincere gratitude, the Summit for Dual Credit Programs and South Texas College want to personally thank the committee members that partook in this endeavor to develop a premier conference tailored for higher education institutions, school district personnel, and state/national entities.

  • Dual Credit Programs
  • Public Relations and Marketing
  • Educational Technologies
  • Teaching and Learning Center
  • Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs